Swedish News Crew Stoned While Covering Mosque Project in Migrant District



A Swedish news team says they were targeted by stone throwers while filming a report at the site of a planned Islamic center in Uppsala.

Journalists with national broadcaster SVT were in the Stenhagen district of Uppsala, known for its heavy migrant population, to interview members of the Dawa Foundation, who are preparing to build a mosque in the area.

“When the group went into the woods where the center is to be built to film an interview, several large stones landed next to them on the ground,” SVT reports.

The reporters originally thought pine cones were falling around them, but after returning to their vehicle, they discovered a large rock had been thrown through the back window.

“Then we went back to the forest grove and saw that it was not pine cones that had fallen but stones that someone threw at us, the biggest being the size of fists,” said SVT Uppsala editor-in-chief Daniel Legue.

“It is sad that this has happened – we were there to do our job. It could have ended badly.”

In a video clip posted by SVT, an interview subject can be seen being startled as projectiles land around him.

Police are investigating the incident, but have not identified any suspects or made any arrests at the time of this writing.

In 2016, a 60 Minutes Australia crew was attacked after entering a ‘no-go zone’ in Rinkeby, Stockholm, to report on the unfolding European migrant crisis.

Police made no arrests and quickly dropped their investigation into the incident, despite it being caught on video.

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Dan Lyman joins The Alex Jones Show to shed light on the growing immigration crisis in Europe.

(PHOTO: T-Gomo / Getty Images)

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Dan Lyman: https://europe.infowars.com/swedish-news-crew-stoned-while-covering-mosque-project-in-migrant-district/