China Warns Trump Not to Believe Warhawk “Conspiracy Theories” That Iran Was Behind Attack on Saudi Arabia

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Cautions that revenge attack on Iran could cause Middle East to “spiral out of control.”

By Paul Joseph Watson | INFOWARS.COM Monday, September 16, 2019

China has warned President Trump that he is being manipulated by warhawks into believing “conspiracy theories” that Tehran was behind the attack on Saudi oil facilities and that any “revenge attack” on Iran could cause the Middle East to “spiral out of control.”

The warning was contained in an editorial posted by the Global Times, which is widely recognized as a Communist Party mouthpiece.

A drone strike against two Saudi oil facilities by Houthi rebels on Saturday took out 5% of the world’s oil supply, but U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo immediately blamed Tehran for the attack.

In the Global Times piece, Beijing asserts that there is no evidence Iran was responsible and that, “US military revenge against Iran will lead the Middle East to spiral out of control.”

The article also blames the Trump administration for being the “least interested in easing the disputes in the Middle East” out of all previous administrations and hyping “conspiracy theories” that the attack was carried out with the aid of Iran.

“Despite (John) Bolton’s departure, Trump is still being surrounded by hawks that control US military might and are eager to flex their muscles,” warns the piece, adding that despite Trump being largely against foreign interventionism, “Certain forces in the US are pushing Washington to use military power.”

The editorial says Trump has “forgotten the lessons of the two wars waged by George Bush’s administration,” which ended in abject failure.





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