EXCLUSIVE: ‘OSS’ Counter Operation Initiated To Stop Coup


President Trump putting Deep State operatives on the run

Millie Weaver | Infowars.com – December 28, 2019

It was only after Horowitz’s report came out that Collyer rebuked the FBI in a total CYA move.

However, this entire charade is a smoke screen to draw attention away from the fact that the relevant spying on the Trump campaign and now Trump administration was occurring through NSA 702 upstream over collection; not the bogus Steele Dossier.

Not only is there a rouge source of intelligence, but there is also another source of intelligence, something further in the background than the NSA, that hasn’t been made public yet.

I can neither confirm nor deny that my source and the President are working through an unnamed agency to take down the Deep State. Remember when President Eisenhower warned about the Military Industrial Complex? You don’t think he may have set something else up in secret to monitor them, do you?

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