Seismic Shocker: The Number Of Global Earthquakes Over The Last 30 Days Is More Than 50% Above Normal


This is yet another story that the mainstream news is “too busy” to talk about
Michael Snyder | End Of The American Dream – August 24, 2018

GOD says in his word,  In the end times He will shake the earth, have you not read it?  It’s just the beginning. GOD is in control, not any human racket mouth.

Seismic Shocker: The Number Of Global Earthquakes Over The Last 30 Days Is More Than 50% Above Normal

Why is the number of earthquakes happening around the world increasing so dramatically?

In recent days, we have seen very large earthquakes in Venezuela, Fiji, Italy and elsewhere. Here in North America, significant quakes have rattled Oregon, Alaska and the west coast of Mexico. As I reported on all of these important seismic events, it sure seemed like the number of earthquakes was rising, but I wanted to be sure. I once worked as an attorney, and I was trained to only come to conclusions that were warranted by the facts. So I decided to pull up the numbers, and what I discovered was extremely alarming. I turns out that the number of earthquakes that we have witnessed over the last 30 days is more than 50 percent above normal. Of course the Earth is constantly being pummeled by quakes, but this is a huge deviation from the norm. Could it be possible that we have entered a time when major Earth changes are going to start happening on a regular basis? If so, what does that mean for the future of our society?