Suspected ‘ISIS Butcher’ Holding EU Debit Card Charged With Crimes Against Humanity



A Syrian man discovered by Hungarian authorities to be holding a prepaid debit card issued to migrants by the E.U. has been charged with crimes against humanity for his alleged role as an ISIS executioner, according to reports.

F. Hassan was detained at Budapest airport in December under suspicion of terrorist activities, and later arrested by officers of the Hungarian Counterterrorism Centre (TEK), who suspected him of being a high-ranking ISIS operative who had carried out attacks and executions in his homeland.

Hassan was found to be in possession of one of the many “anonymous” debit cards issued to migrants by the E.U. and U.N. – a scheme that was recently unearthed and confirmed by the European Commission following a public information campaign initiated by the Hungarian government.

Hungarian prosecutors have now charged Hassan for his alleged role in the massacre of 25 people in Syria, including 20 members of the same family, many of whom had refused to join the Islamic State.

“The 27-year-old man, named only as F. Hassan, was charged Tuesday with personally beheading the imam of a town in Homs province in May 2015 after ISIS captured the area during its attempts to establish a Caliphate,” the Daily Mail reports.

“Hassan is also accused of personally killing two people – including one man shot in the head with a pistol – while overseeing the execution of 25 people who refused to join the terror group in the days following May 13.”

Officials say Hassan had visited many other European countries prior to his arrest.

In November, 2018, Infowars Europe helped bring to light revelations that migrants were using preloaded MasterCard debit cards bearing insignias of the E.U. and U.N. to pay for goods and services along their journeys.

There is also evidence that the project is traceable to infamous Hungarian billionaire George Soros.

In Infowars’ original report, we detailed Soros’ likely ties to the scheme upon discovery of a 2017 MasterCard press release publicizing the launch of a partnership program with Soros called “Humanity Ventures,” which aimed to “catalyze and accelerate economic and social development for vulnerable communities around the world, especially refugees and migrants.”

Ilhan Omar recently announced her desire for the U.N. to occupy America’s border to dictate how a sovereign nation should handle immigration.

(PHOTO: Screenshot)Dan Lyman:

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About Dan Lyman

Dan Lyman serves as a foreign correspondent for Infowars.