Promotion shows US flag on fire, dead ICE agents in pools of blood – AUGUST 1, 2019

Antifa is organizing nationally with a “militancy training tour,” which includes promotional materials that depict the deaths of ICE agents and the burning of a US flag.

The group is gearing up in particular for a “10-day siege in El Paso, Texas” starting on Sept. 1, according to media reports.

The organization is meant to look grassroots; however, the tour is related to the top-down group Refuse Fascism which had previously received funding from organizations linked to George and Alexander Soros, the Daily Caller reported.

In fact, the tour’s website, Border Resistance, says that “local and national organizers are working together” to coordinate the event.

“When you come to this convergence you will be in Tigua, Raramuri, Piro, Suma and Manso territory,” the site states, referring to the Native American tribes that inhabited the region. “This convergence is being run by Indigenous & QTPOC (Queer, trans, people of color) leadership and anyone who passively or aggressively disrespects that will be asked to leave.”

The imagery associated with the event depicts Antifa members throwing Molotov cocktails, shooting bows and arrows, leaving ICE agents in pools of blood and the destruction of border barricades.

The art style is ubiquitous with national Antifa paraphernalia used by other associated groups, which also underscores the top-down organization of the event.

“The drawing has a lot of destruction in it, but as you can see, it also depicts deadly violence,” reported Red State. “Below the burning truck is depicted a dead ICE officer stuck with arrows laying in what appears to be a pool of blood.”

“You can see in the upper right-hand part of the drawing assumed to be more agents. One falling to his death, stuck with arrows, and another hanging on to the railing of the burning tower.”

Indeed, the armed man who was recently shot dead after attacking an ICE facility in Washington state had firebombed the facility with Molotov cocktails.

The coordination of the tour also draws comparisons to the national protest organized by the group Refuse Fascism in Nov. 2017 that even included an unprecedented full-page ad published in the New York Times, ad space of which is typically expensive.

Tune into today’s broadcast for more updates on this story.