Sanders Campaign Staffer Who Called for Gulags, Violence Was Arrested for DUI and Drug Charges


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Kyle Jurek has a lengthy criminal history of alleged drug abuse and DUIs

National File – January 15, 2020

According to public information, Kyle Jurek, the campaign staffer for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign at the center of an undercover investigation by Project Veritas, was arrested in September of last year for allegedly abusing prescription painkillers.

He was also arrested on January 8 of this year for allegedly driving under the influence.

On September 28 of last year, Jurek was arrested by the Polk County, Iowa Sheriff’s Department and given three charges, including “possession of a controlled substance,’ “unlawful possession of prescription drug,” and “possession of drug paraphernalia.”

Then, on January 8, 2020, Jurek was arrested again.

In his January arrest, Jurek was charged with “violation of probation,” “failure to provide proof of financial liability,” indicating that police say he was unable to provide proof of insurance, “possession of drug paraphernalia,” and “operating while intoxicated – 2nd offense.”

The timeline of both his arrests would seem to coincide with the period Project Veritas journalists recorded Jurek making bizarre and unsettling statements.

Project Veritas has released new footage of Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Filed Organizer Kyle Jurek admitting to the free education program ruse to initiate reeducation camps on Americans he would deem “nazis”.

In one video, Jurek endorses the idea of gulags to reeducate supporters of President Donald Trump, and suggests that is the reason Sanders made free education one of his campaign promises.

National File reported:

“Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their f*cking people to not be Nazis,” Jurek continued. “We’re probably going to have to do the same f*cking thing here.”

Jurek explained that this is why Sanders is offering free education as one of his campaign promises.

“There’s a reason Joseph Stalin had gulags, right,” continued Jurek. “And, actually, gulags were a lot better than what the CIA has told us.”

Jurek also considers himself an anti-fascist, and says the reason anti-fascists are violent is because they are willing to operate outside the law to achieve results that police cannot.

National File reported:

“In one of the videos released Tuesday by Project Veritas, Kyle Jurek, identified as a field organizer for the Sanders campaign, explains why “anti-fascists” are prone to violence.

And that’s why they’re like, ‘Oh, anti-fascists are violent,’ it’s because we’re willing to above and beyond what the law says is acceptable, like oh free speech, yeah

Jurek continued, “They try to be like ‘Oh, you’re against free speech,’ and no, we’re not against free speech, we’re against f*cking hate speech.”

National File will continue to follow this story as Project Veritas releases more videos and more information arises about Jurek and any other Sanders campaign staff who are implicated.

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