Trump Retweets Investigative Journalist Revealing Holes in Impeachment Hoax


Image Credits: Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images.

Video shows Chief Justice Roberts shutting down Schumer

Ben Warren | – February 3, 2020

President Trump retweeted an investigative journalist’s tweet that revealed holes in the Democrats’ ongoing impeachment hoax.

Reporter Jon Bowne’s now-viral tweet showed a video of Chief Justice Roberts shutting down Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s attempt to establish a historical precedent for Roberts to cast a tie-breaking vote.

“Is the Chief Justice aware that in the impeachment trial of President Johnson, Chief Justice Chase as presiding officer, cast tie-breaking votes on both March 31st and April 2nd 1868?” said Schumer.

Roberts responded that it would be inappropriate for him to do so.

“I am, mister leader, the one concerned motion to adjourn, the other concerned a motion to close deliberations,” said Roberts. “ I do not regard those isolated episodes 150 years ago as sufficient to support a general authority to break ties. If the members of this body elected by the people and accountable to them divide equally on a motion, the normal rule is that the motion fails. I think it would be inappropriate for me, an unelected official from a different branch of government to assert the power to change that result so that the motion would succeed.”

Jon Bowne is a multi-platform journalist who regularly contributes to and

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