White House Knows Identity of ‘Anonymous’ NeverTrump Op-Ed Author


Attorney Joe diGenova says White House official told him to expect the source of Resistance conspiracy propaganda to be removed from the White House soon.

Kari Donovan by Kari DonovanFebruary 13, 2020

One of the numerous schemes to displace President Donald J, Trump from the White House is a book titled A Warning: Anonymous, the book deal resulting from of a 2018 New York Times op-ed, slamming Trump penned by someone in his administration identified only as “Anonymous.”

Anonymous claimed that he or she and “like-minded” colleagues ostensibly served President Trump but were actually answering a higher calling by actively working against the President’s agenda, in a classic Resistance movement, which mirrors a common theme from former intelligence leaders, including disgraced former FBI director James Comey.

The Guardian wrote in their review of the book, “A Warning fails to live up to the hype. Its author, a senior official in the Trump administration, offers few new revelations about the tempest-in-chief.”

Even though the recent book got very little traction, and produced boring reviews, speculation over the real identity of “Anonymous” has made the news again, recently.

On Tuesday, Trump participated in a signing ceremony for S. 153, The Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act, where he was asked by a reporter, “Do you know who anonymous is”

Trump said, “I don’t want to say, but you would be surprised!”

The question at 23:55:

After Trump’s response, the reporter followed up with a question about the Vindman twins, Alexander Semyon and Yevgeny, who were born in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Soviet Union, who were removed from the US National Security Council after claiming to hear a conversation between Trump and the newly placed President of Ukraine, Vlaiamir Zelinsky, the was the false foundation for the impeachment hoax against Trump.

The surfacing of a clip of Trump’s comments triggered a discussion on social media over the identity of the spying “anonymous” character.

On Wednesday, former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova told a podcast  (2:08:00) audience that he heard from a senior White House official that “Anonymous” now has a name and will be fired, after discussing the removal of the Vindman brothers, saying that McMaster refused to fire Vindman brothers earlier from the National Security Council.

“There is someone else who wrote that article who will be removed shortly. I don’t want to give out too much information, and the source, but someone in the White House told me that they know who Anonymous is and they will be removed,” diGenova said.

“There is no doubt that the leaking against President Trump involves the leaking of classified information that is a Felony and no one has been prosecuted,” he said.

“Perhaps Mr. Durham is investigating the criminal charges, but we don’t know why the people around President Trump are not being investigated. It should be the number one issue. It all got stopped in it’s tracks by Rosenstein and Sessions, ” diGenova said.

“Sondland is an idiot.  He is a class A moron, at the European Union.  He was unqualified. He embarrassed himself and the State Department. The Democrats are talking about pursuing more documents, to possibly impeach the President again. The last one was Vanity impeachment, the Democrats think they will take the Senate and hold the house.  They hate Trump and they can only lash out.  The look like they are crazy, because they are,” he said.

Kari Donovan

Kari Donovan

Kari Donovan is a journalist and proud mother as well as host of a popular YouTube show.
