Grassley: Deep State Whitewashing Upcoming FISA Report


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Powerful senator warns that Obama officials may escape justice

Jamie White | – October 22, 2019

The Inspector General’s upcoming report on potential FISA abuses by the FBI will likely be whitewashed by the very Deep State forces it’s set to expose, according to former Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

“All of the delays and excuses why the Horowitz IG FISA report isn’t public yet after several months of anticipation of its issues leads me to the suspicion it’s going to be ‘deep six’ by the deep state,” Grassley tweeted Monday.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s highly-anticipated report has since been delayed several times since he launched his investigation in March into FBI abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

Attorney General William Barr had said that Horowitz’s report would be released by May or June of this year, but now the report may not even be released until November.

Lawmakers say that the numerous delays are due to the fact that the Justice Department and FBI are undergoing declassification review of the completed FISA report, of which 20% is believed to contain classified material.

As we reported, the FBI’s FISA surveillance of Trump and several campaign associates was based solely on the salacious and unverified Steele dossier which was compiled using Russian intelligence.

Additionally, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admitted that the FBI “counterintelligence” operation was quarterbacked by former President Obama himself.

The fact that one of the most esteemed and powerful members of Congress expressed “suspicion” that the FISA report would be illegitimate suggests that the Obama administration officials who authorized the surveillance of Donald Trump won’t face justice.


