Cristina Laila

by Cristina Laila March 22, 2020

Mitch McConnell

Senate Democrats on Sunday blocked phase 3 of the Coronavirus economic stimulus bill.

60 votes were needed for this bill.

All Democrats, and Independents who caucus with Dems voted no.

5 Republican Senators are currently in self-quarantine and missed the vote.

The vote failed at 47-47.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) switched his vote to “no” which allows a second vote.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was playing politics on Sunday and said she’s working on her own pork-filled emergency relief Coronavirus package.

McConnell was furious after the Senate Dems blocked the emergency stimulus bill and went off on them from the Senate floor.

“I changed my vote which gives me the opportunity to move to reconsider at a later time. That’s all I can do in the face of obstruction. I can understand obstruction when you’re trying to achieve something. This obstruction achieves nothing,” McConnell said.

McConnell blasted Pelosi. “She’s the Speaker of the House, not the Speaker of the Senate. We don’t have one. We were doing just fine until that intervention.”

McConnell continued, “We’ll have this cloture vote again at some point of my choosing and hopefully some adults will show up on the other side of the room and understand the gravity of the situation.


President Trump’s team blasted Senate Dems on Sunday.

“This is the bill that would deliver checks to American workers affected by #COVID19. Why are they playing politics with this? We don’t have the time to go back to the drawing board.”